
Good Grief? With Reverend Richard Coles

Reverend Richard Coles speaker

Photo credit: James Beck/Channel 4

In a new one-off Channel 4 special airing tonight at 10pm, Reverend Richard Coles explores the topic of bereavement.

Embarking on a personal grief voyage, both figuratively and literally, the documentary sees Richard try some unconventional activities, said to help people learn to live with grief and loss.
Following the death of his husband, Reverend Richard Coles first opened up about his experience with grief in his 2021 best-selling memoir, The Madness of Grief: A Memoir of Love and Loss.
Chronicling the events of his husband’s death and the year that followed, the book explores the grieving process, the volume of ‘sadmin’ you have to do, and how everyday activities are suddenly tinged with sadness.
Despite having been surrounded by death through his work as a vicar, be it pastoral care or being called to read last rites, Richard recalls how much about the aftermath of death took him by surprise. Not written as a guidebook, or first-hand manual on how to deal with the numbing ache of bereavement, Richard shared that writing it simply felt necessary to try and make sense of, and ultimately learn to live with, the death of a loved one.
In this new documentary, Richard seeks to further understand bereavement by throwing himself into a plethora of activities, all said to have a positive impact on grief. From laughter yoga and surfing to playing with therapy alpacas and dining with others who are grieving, Richard embraces every opportunity as he discovers alternative therapies and ideas to help him explore a good grief.
Questioning the commonly-held belief in the five stages of grief, Richard discovers the benefits of not always searching for safety in the familiar.
A bestselling author, broadcaster and former pop star turned vicar, Richard is also a popular after-dinner speaker, keynote speaker and host. A highly original, humorous and captivating speaker, Richard speaks on a broad range of topics including diversity and inclusion, mental health and LGBT issues.
For more information on Reverend Richard Coles you can view his profile hereenquire online, email us or pick up the phone and speak to one of our booking agents.


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